Epiphany Day

Rest in Ancient Kiev
Dates: 18 January 2020 - 19 January 2020
Park open: 10:00 - 18:00

Place: Ancient Kiev in The Kievan Rus Park  |  City: Kopachov, Ukraine

On the Christening celebration in the Principality of Kyivan Rus everyone who wants to touch the ancient Slavic celebration traditions will be waited for.

This year the Christening celebration in Ancient Kyiv will take place on January, 18 and 19.

The guests will see theatrical performance "On the Jordan River", telling the bible story about the life of John the Baptist will be waiting for the guests. The traditional Christmas vertep that remains relevant till the end of the January holiday cycle will complement the program. Also the theatre of Ancient Kyiv will give the guests an interesting fairy tale, instructive and fun at the same time where there will be a lot of music and special effects - the beginning of the theatrical program at 13:00.

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The traditional Epiphany ritual was not just immersion in water, it was a reconstruction of the Epiphany rite according to all the rules that once existed in Ancient Russia. On January 18-19 in Ancient Kiev you will witness the reproduction of this ritual and you can even join it yourself. And you can warm up during festivities in the tavern with delicious herbal tea or mulled wine.

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Merry round dances, horseback and sleigh riding, ancient Slavic active games will add festive color.

epiphany day 03

After the joy ride a horse from the Princely stable, visit the historical costume, medieval architecture and ancient musical instruments museums. Visit the souvenir shop in the majestic Mykhaylivskiy gates and buy interesting souvenirs for memory or as a gift for your friends.

Give yourself, your children and relatives thrilling adventures, unforgettable emotions and a real New Year celebration!

A feeling of adrenaline for the guests will be provided by the fascinating zipline Politailo, on which everyone can not only descend from a height, but also fly over the lake.
poletailo 01
poletailo 03
And of course, you can taste delicious dishes from princely cooks in the Princely Tavern and in the open air food points and in arbors.
keytering table appointments
keytering waiter
Also you can stay for the night in the hotel-type house «4 rooms», which is situated in a five-minutes walk from the Detinetz of Kyiv or in the hostel.

*More information about accommodation: + 38050-385-20-35.

nov skazka 12
Gather a big company, because together it's more fun! Come and take photos and be sure to share your impressions and photos in social networks.

You will see:

  • Princely flags parade
  • Photo session with the guests
  • Ancient Kyiv horse theater performance
  • Dance flash mobs
  • Trick riding
  • Tug-of-war
  • The Unique collection of the best historical horse breeds in the world of the Princely Stables Ancient Kyiv Presentation
  • Horseback archery tournament
  • Historical fencing master-class
  • Ancient Rus rituals: "Cup of wishes», «Burning harms and sicknesses in the fire"
  • Round dances with the guests of the Park

Book tickets: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35

You can also buy tickets in Ancient Kyiv

In connection with unpredictable situations, weather conditions, the administration of the Ancient Kyiv can make changes to the content and timing of the program.

*One entry ticket operates per person for one day of the event!

In case of not holding (cancellation) of the event, the Buyer returns 100% of the nominal value of the ticket. In the case of returning a ticket at the buyer's initiative, a commission of 10% is deducted from its value, which is not subject to return to the buyer. The ticket may be returned, in case of a buyer's appeal no later than one day prior to the day of the event, until 16:00 a.m., except for weekends and holidays.

The cost of an entrance ticket is included

  1. Entrance to Ancient Kyiv.
  2. Participation in gaming programs for children and adults.
  3. Entrance to museum of historical costumes, visiting of expositions.
  4. Parking.
  5. WC.
  6. Other activities on the tilting yard during the program.

*Services are provided by the partners of Ancient Kyiv.

The program may change!


+38044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
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Theatrical program
13:30 - 17:00
Ancient Kiev in "The Kievan Rus Park"
Kopachov, Ukraine

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